Tuesday, December 3, 2013

  That's right, it's Christmas time!   This will be my first married Christmas.  I've been married for almost 3 months now.  We live in a small apartment but I really want to make every Christmas special.  Here is my first Christmas craft!

Ok, so.... I totally stole this Idea from Pinterest.  I'm still proud of how it turned out anyway :)  
Here is what I used:

- an old white frame that is big and chunky (my sister picked this up at Salvation Army for $2.99)
- a can of red spray paint from walmart
- white gross grain ribbon
-my extra christmas ornaments that I didn't have hooks for 
-duct tape

Here is the picture from Pinterest that I got my inspiration from:

I wish I had a different bigger ribbon for the bow part but I didn't feel like going to the store.
I planned on using a wreath hanger to hang it on my door but because of where I duct taped all of the ribbon I can't.    I'm going to go get another wreath hanger and put one on each side of the frame that way it doesn't get in the way of the hanging ribbons. 

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